Thursday, 2 January 2014

Evaluation: Question 2

Evaluation: Question 2.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

All films have stereotypical characters, some could challenge these stereotypes others will meet them. 
In thrillers females are often seen to be the victim, young, week and vulnerable. They are also often good looking and the hero will often be male and good looking too. The villein is often male in thrillers, as they are seen to be more strong and willful. 
An example for this is Hitchcocks', Psycho. The girl is the victim and is left in a vulnerable position when she gets killed by the male villain in the shower. The age of our actors are between 16 and 17 years old, this age isn't stereotypically known to be mature and clever, but more naïve, we could either decide to challenge this by making the girls come across as mature and intellectual or meet the stereotype.  
As the females in thrillers are shown to be young and vulnerable we chose to use an all young female cast for the opening scene. (Damsel in Distress.) The fact they're wearing dresses suggests vulnerability and how they aren't about to get into a fight or kill someone. Yet in the same aspect appearances can be deceiving. This is a negative representation of woman, they shouldn't come across as the less capable gender.
The girls are all shown to be happy and laughing except for one who could be shown to be the outcast. This goes with how the girls are about to go out to a party, we show them to be getting ready and having some casual conversation. They're also shown to be putting on make-up and brushing their hair. This is stereotypical, how the girls all want to look nice to impress other people. We challenged the traditional films of having a male hero and instead used females, this shows that males aren't always the dominant gender. This is against the stereotypical view of males being the more capable gender.
For ethnicity we have a mix of races, we didn't think this through in post production it just ended up this way.
Our film has two locations, one being a girls bedroom and the other a cellar. The girls room isn't one that would belong to someone who lives cheaply, this hints at a higher social class, also the fact that the house has a cellar also hints at expense. We didn't want the film to be in a run down house, we wanted it to look good. The girls are all wearing expensive clothes and not baggy t-shirts or ripped up jeans. We did this so the audience feels sorry for the young girl.

middle class
  1. 1.
    the social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business people and their families.

1 comment:

  1. good start, but also think about age and ethnicity stereotypes - what are they doing (about to go out), what are they saying, how do they interact etc. Are they a bit naive and vulnerable because of their age? Are whites dominant as they outnumber other ethnicities? are these stereotpyical?

    any other films that back up some of your points, re: young, attractive female victim (Scream?).

    Get images from your film in too

